Gemstone | Turquoise, Howlite, Black Obsidian with silver Owl charm |
Type | Polished |
Meaning/Healing |
Turquoise is a purification and effective healer stone. It helps to protect outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere as well as electromagnetic smog. The stone is a combination of earth and sky bringing together male and female energy which is balancing and empathetic. It helps with creative problem-solving. It is a great symbol of friendship but at the same time stimulates romantic love if you so desire. It balances and aligns all the chakras but aids in the healing of the throat chakra which allows for soul expression and releases old vows and prohibitions. Howlite is a very calming stone. This stone is great for insomnia when our minds are overthinking and overactive. This stone teaches us patience when we are feeling rage or anger, it also helps to eliminate it. This stone gives us the desire for knowledge and strengthens our memory and mind. When communicating it allows us to be calm, aware, and express ourselves emotionally. Black Obsidian powerfully cleans any psychic clogging or haze we sometimes create within our aura. It has powerful metaphysical properties and a strong protection stone for psychics. The strength of this stone stimulates the gift of prophecy and highly blocks and protects against anything negative. |